
Local 2195 Retiree Meeting

Monday, June 10 at 11: am

American Legion Post 15, Decatur, AL

Monday at 11 am
American Legion Post 15
Decatur, AL

Meeting Monday January 8, 2024

American Legion Post 15
Decatur, AL

Retiree Report January/February

Hello and hope everyone is safe and healthy.  We have several members/family that are still dealing with the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic.  At this point more especially the two-strains know as Delta and Omicron. The infections Omicron outbreak was the reason we postponed the retiree meetings since our last one in December 2021. 

This is a notification to inform the members we have tentatively scheduled our next meeting to start back April 11, 2021. 

Please pass the word.

January 3, 2020

Retiree Meeting Notice

After reviewing the COVID-19's continued threats of illness due the Delta and Omicron variants the Retiree Executive Board has unanimously agreed it is in the best interest of the Retirees that we cancel future meetings until further notice. 

We are still unable to get our Vendors to our meetings due to their travel restrictions that remain in to effect.

As always if you are in need or I can assist you with an issue, you can always give me a call on my cell phone 256-874-0850.

In Solidarity

Online Event To Cover 2022 UAW Trust Benefits

Learn more about your 2022 UAW Trust benefits, with an online event Tuesday, December 7, 2021 from 9:--10:30 Central Time. Click here to register:

Without a benefit representative, it is often difficult to know what to do. The UAW Benefits Trust has a group of videos that answer many questions we may have. To access these follow this link.

If you havent downloaded the Express Scripts App, I highly recommend it. Not only can you check your prescriptions online, it is also a good way to keep a track of what you take if you see a doctor that needs your medications, you have them all right there.

Supporting Striking Mine Workers in Brookwood

Retiree Meeting
June 14 at 11:00 am
American Legion Post 
Hwy 31 Decatur, AL

Last month’s meeting went very well, with had a nice turnout consider the meeting was the first meeting since our meetings had been canceled since last March 2020. The good news almost 100% of those in attendance had received at least one of the COVID-19 vaccinations.  Hopefully with the continued progress with the vaccine we will get this dreadful pandemic behind us and get back to a more normal life.