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January/February Retiree Report

Charles McDonald
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Retiree Report January/February

Hello and hope everyone is safe and healthy.  We have several members/family that are still dealing with the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic.  At this point more especially the two-strains know as Delta and Omicron. The infections Omicron outbreak was the reason we postponed the retiree meetings since our last one in December 2021. 

This is a notification to inform the members we have tentatively scheduled our next meeting to start back April 11, 2021. 

Please pass the word.

Hopefully everyone has received the OTC (Over the Counter) Product Catalog for 2022.  What a wonderful benefit our Insurance has come up with for our members to receive additional financial assist for our members to take advantage of. If you haven't receive yours you can call, 877-218-9951 or go on line to You can also order on line at this web address.

Our next Region 8 Retiree Conference that John Hawkins and I are always approved to attend is May 2 thru 6th.

The UAW International Constitutional Convention will be held in Detroit the last week of July with your continued permission I will attend this most important meeting of our Union.

John Davis had informed me of an O.B. in the Decatur paper ( I was totally unaware of ) that our former custodian/maintenance employee Joe Borden (Bumpy) had passed away.  We the Board and Membership of our Retiree Chapter send our condolences and sympathies out to his family and friends. We think Joe for the time he worked with us and also his serves in the United States Navy where it is reported he did (4) four tours in Vietnam. RIP

The decision about our vendors travel restriction being lifted will be made in February and hopefully we can get this pandemic behind us so everyone can be safe.

We urge you if you if you haven't already gotten vaccinated and booster pleased do!!!!!  Your future and well-being as well as your family and      friends could most definitely depend on it.  We continue to see the non-vaccinated hospitalization and death rate extremely many times higher as compared to those that have been totally vaccinated.

In Solidarity

Chuck McDonald 
