April Retiree Report

Retiree Meeting
Monday May 10, 2021
11:00 A.M.
American Legion Post 15
Hwy 31 Decatur, AL
Our meeting is still on we hope that everyone has an opportunity to come together at the meeting and catch up on the fellowship with other UAW Brothers and Sisters. We ask that you take certain precautions for us to have a safe get together. Please bring a mask and respect the social distancing as much as possible. We would hope by meeting time everyone has received a COVID vaccination.
It is our intent to have coffee, tea and donuts at the meeting. We do not feel it is safe or the right thing to do having a meal at our first couple of meetings. One is the safety factor and second we have no idea what the attendance will be and how to prepare. It is our hope that we can return to the Popeye Chicken luncheon when we start our regular Meetings in September after our summer break. Please feel free to bring a dessert if you would like and are willing to share.
Hopefully the COVID-19 pandemic is starting to come to an end.... we would encourage everyone if they haven't already (and your doctor agrees) please get a shot. This terrible pandemic is not over however we can help end it.
You may have received two letters regarding dependent verification. If you responded to the first letter you can disregard the second one. It was only a letter to help clear-up the misunderstandings of the first letter. The second letter provided more option on ways to provide proof of your dependents. You do have to provide the necessary proof so please do not discard the request.
Our membership’s death rate seems to be slowing down however we still have a lot of members that are dealing with devastating illness and some are terminal. Please continue to keep all our members and their family in your prayers.
I'm enclosing an attachment from Brother Al Rainey regarding a Scholarship program contest that is for high school seniors. The topic is dealing with Unions and our late great President Walter P. Reuther. I know College tuition is very expense and every bit of help one receive is a good thing.
Please pass on the information regarding the Meeting. Be safe.
In Solidarity
Chuck McDonald, Chairman