
Local 2195 Retiree Meeting

Monday, June 10 at 11: am

American Legion Post 15, Decatur, AL

Monday at 11 am
American Legion Post 15
Decatur, AL

Meeting Monday January 8, 2024

American Legion Post 15
Decatur, AL

Without a benefit representative it is difficult to know what to do in the event of the death of a member or surviving spouse. Pension, Life Insurance and Health Care are all impacted by a death. Here is what the survivors should do:

If you’re a new member of the UAW, the New Member issue of Solidarity magazine will help give you a better understanding of how our organization functions on a day-to-day basis. It’s a valuable resource for any member interested in increasing their knowledge of our union.

You can download it here, and share it with fellow UAW members.

In this issue:

Retiree Meeting
Monday-September 11 at 11 am
American Legion Post 15
Decatur, Al

Hello, hoping everyone has enjoyed the summer break, we look forward to returning to our meetings and enjoying the information and fellowship.  Hope you have the opportunity to make the meetings.

Most of you know we will be having our nominations for our Retiree Officers: Nominations will be at the September meeting, and elections (if necessary) will be conducted at the October meeting.

The Big 3 Special Issue of Solidarity Magazine is now online! You can download it here, and share it with fellow UAW members.

We are excited to bring you the latest edition of this historic publication. Solidarity Magazine has long been a wonderful tool to inform UAW members of all the happenings going on, not only in our union, but across the labor movement.

In this issue:

May 5, 2023

Letter From UAW Benefits Trust Concerning Data Breach

The UAW Benefits Trust recently mailed a letter to Trust Members concerning a potential security risk. The data breach did not occur within the trust, but rather through a software company that manages data for the trust and hundreds of other health care plans. The company called NationsBenefits handles the OTC (Over The Counter) benefits for the VEBA Trust.

Retiree Meeting

Monday, April 10, 11:00 am
American Legion Post 15
Decatur, AL

Hope this finds everyone doing okay.  At our meeting Monday we will have two of our providers there.  Blue Cross and United Health Care.

If you have a problem with either of these or just need info they will be available to assist you.

Our retiree meetings have been well-attended since the threat of COVID has lessened.  We are thankful for that.


Monday March 13 11:00 am

American Legion Post 15

Decatur,  AL


This will be our regular scheduled meeting the first since the conclusion of the International Executive Board Election.   At this point, President Ray Curry is trailing his opponent by 638 votes.  The only remaining votes left to be determined are the challenged ballots.  It is my understanding there are approximately 1100 hundred that will be reviewed this coming Thursday.  We should know the official outcome by the time we have our meeting.