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June Retiree Meeting

Charles McDonald
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MONDAY 11:00 am JUNE 12

Post 15 American Legion Hall

Decatur, AL

I hope this email finds everyone doing well; we are excited about our June Retiree Meeting.

Not only are we looking forward to a fantastic luncheon we are going to have as our guest speaker Brother Ray Curry.  All our members pretty well know Brother Curry, he not only served us as our International Representative during our most difficult times during our plant closing he was there fighting and helping to secure the benefits we enjoy as retirees.  

Brother Curry served us as Assistant Director, Director and was subsequently elected as Financial Secretary Treasure of our International Union.  Brother Curry's outstanding work ethic was so well noted, upon the retirement of President Roy Gamble the International Executive Board elected Brother Curry to finish out the unexpired term.

Brother Curry performed the job with dignity and honor. He demonstrated an unmatched work ethic that returned our Union to respectability.  

Please come out and give Brother Curry a warm welcome back and enjoy a time of fellowship.

As many of you know John Hawkins and I were absent at the last meeting due to the fact we were delegates for our annual UAW Region 8 Retiree Conference.  We are very pleased to hear all the good words regarding Gary Sutton and John Davis on how well the May meeting went.  Thanks to all who assisted with the meeting.

We will be making a report at the June meeting regarding the info we received at the Conference.

One important issue that you need to take care of immediately (if you haven't already) is the breach of personal info that was stolen from the (OTC) group that handles our, Over The Counter, orders.  You should comply with the letter that was mailed to all affected members. This should help to prevent any misuse and protect your credit. 

Most of our Medical Providers should be at the Meeting.

If you have any medical issues or bills that you need assistance with we should have several of our providers at the meeting and they will assist you with whatever your issues might be.

  Remember in your thoughts and prayers our many members and or their family that are facing the loss of a loved one or dealing with serious health issues.

Once again we thank Lynn Layton Chevrolet for their continued sponsorship of our Retiree Meeting.

If you haven't heard we will be furnishing the Meat, Bread, Tea, and Coffee for the luncheon. We are looking forward to the members bringing a covered dish of their choice as they did at the Christmas Luncheon, what a great meal we had, let's do it again.

Hope you make it, this is the last meeting until September.

In Solidarity

Chuck McDonald
