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November Union Meeting

Charles McDonald
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Retiree Meeting Monday 11: a.m., November 13
American Legion Post 15
Hwy 31, Decatur, AL

As most of you have heard all of the auto plants that were on strike since our last meeting have reported that have reached a Tentative Contract agreement.  At this time the details are being explained to the membership at their ratification meetings where they will vote on the agreements this week.  Hopefully, by Monday we should have the full and accurate details. 

At this meeting, we are having our Thanksgiving luncheon.  We are furnishing the Turkey, Ham, Bread, Tea, and Coffee.  please bring your favorite cover dish or a dessert. If you are unable to bring anything, just bring yourself.  We should have plenty of good food for everyone. 

The UAW TRUST and all of our vendors are scheduled to attend this meeting.  The Trust will be reviewing all changes in our Health Care for the year 2024.  The vendors will be there to provide you with information and assist you with any problem you may have.

We have a very special guest coming to our meeting:  Former UAW International President Ron Gettelfinger, please come out and welcome this honored Brother.  Ron was our President (2002 through 2010) during the terrible days of the GM/DELPHI & Chrysler bankruptcy.  Ron did a super job in the fight along with the Obama/Biden Administration in protecting and saving our Retiree's Health Care.  We will always owe Ron a debt of gratitude and thanks.

We hope to see you at the meeting and please pass the word of the meeting to others that may not be on our email list. If you know of any Union Brothers or Sisters who may need assistance getting to the meeting, please provide them a helping hand if you can.

In Solidarity
Chuck McDonald