September Local 2195 Meeting

Retiree Meeting
Monday-September 11 at 11 am
American Legion Post 15
Decatur, Al
Hello, hoping everyone has enjoyed the summer break, we look forward to returning to our meetings and enjoying the information and fellowship. Hope you have the opportunity to make the meetings.
Most of you know we will be having our nominations for our Retiree Officers: Nominations will be at the September meeting, and elections (if necessary) will be conducted at the October meeting.
I have several existing board members that have indicated to me their desire to continue serving the membership as one of the Official Board Members. If you desire to be nominated you must be a member of our Retiree Chapter and in good standing.
We will have some of our vendors at this meeting to assist you with any questions or billing issues you may have. Those scheduled are; Blue Cross and United Health Care.
During our November meeting, all of our vendors are scheduled to be there; also a Representative of the UAW Retiree Medical Health Care Trust will be there to explain any changes in our benefits commencing January 1, 2024.
We have lost several members since our June meeting, we will acknowledge and remember them at our Sept. Meeting. There continue to be several of our members including their family that are dealing with major health concerns. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers
In Solidarity,
Chuck McDonald, Chairman
Local 2195 Retiree Chapter