May Retiree Report
Retiree Meeting
Monday May 9, 2022
11:00 am
American Legion Post 15, Decatur
We are attempting to get our retiree meetings back on the regular schedule, second Monday of each month at 11:00 am.
There are some important issues on going in our Union that our members need to be aware of. We will discuss these at our meeting.
For those than attended our last meeting you were informed and approved John Hawkins and me attending the Region 8 Retiree Conference which is held the week prior to our May meeting. Hopefully we will have some important information to report on at our meeting.
We continue to lose too many of our members, although the death rate based on COVID has decreased our members still face many other health challenges. We appreciate very much the efforts of John Davis and Amy Terry Seymore working to keeping us updated on the condition of our members and their families.
Please pass the word regarding the meeting. We are still not in a position to provide food for the meeting. We are hoping to start providing food again at the beginning of our fall session in September. Lynn Layton and Jeff stand ready to help us out with our luncheon whenever we get ready. We thank them for the support they have provided at all of our events. They have provided some very nice door prizes at our previous meetings in lieu of food.
Please keep our Vice-Chairman, Gary Sutton in your thoughts and prayers. Gary broke his leg and has been out of commission for over a month. Good news he has started the recovery process and can now put a little weight on his foot. Hopefully he will back in action soon.
In Solidarity,
Chuck McDonald, Chairman