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June Retiree Report

Charles McDonald
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Retiree Meeting
June 14 at 11:00 am
American Legion Post 
Hwy 31 Decatur, AL

Last month’s meeting went very well, with had a nice turnout consider the meeting was the first meeting since our meetings had been canceled since last March 2020. The good news almost 100% of those in attendance had received at least one of the COVID-19 vaccinations.  Hopefully with the continued progress with the vaccine we will get this dreadful pandemic behind us and get back to a more normal life.

We are still working on our schedule regarding what we will be serving as a snack.  The Board has decided this month it will be assorted biscuits sausage and etc. we well have orange juice, coffee and tea will be available. 

If you would like to bring anything to share you are welcome as always.

We had several questions regarding the letter our Retirees received: dependent verification. I believe we cleared up most of the concerns and provided direction on ways to handle any problem.  Since the meeting I have not had and further question, normally that is a good sign.

There were question regarding a post card most Retirees received regarding a class action LAW Suit Settlement regarding Blue Cross and Blue Shield.  After contacting some professional knowledgeable people regarding this issue I was informed that it is a legitimate settlement and if you received notification you have the right to file a claim as outlined on the card.  I believe the deadline for submitting a claim is November.  We will talk more about this subject at our meeting.

At this point we are still unable to get our health care vendors to attend our meetings.  Their travel restriction will not be lifted until on them until July.  Hopefully the pandemic will be behind us as we start our meeting back in September. They should be available to service our Retirees at that meeting.

Although we are style face to many deaths of our members and their families things do seem to have slowed considerably from what we have been facing. There is still a lot of sickness we continue to hear of on a daily bases, we would ask that you continue to keep our members and the families in your thoughts and prayers.  

Hope to see you at the meeting; 

I remain in Solidarity,

Chuck McDonald, Chairman