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Update On Eligibility of $500 Christmas Bonus

Charles McDonald
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I have been notified by a representative from the GM Department of the UAW, after several meetings and talks between the UAW leadership and General Motors representative to secure the bonus for those who retired from the Delphi Pant and checked the box on their paper work prior to their retirement to remain a GM Retiree will now be eligible to receive the negotiate bonus of $500. per year as outlined in the 2023 UAW/GM National Contract negotiations settlement. 

It was also reported to me that it will take some time to complete all the technical details of this agreement and provide those eligible the first $500 payment.   I hope we will have complete details by the time we have our next retiree meeting in May. 

I know this settlement does not cover each and every situation where employees haven't received the Bonus, it is my understanding that talks will continue to resolve all outstanding issues.  I do have to say I believe this is very good step in the right direction.  We appreciate those who have worked on behalf of our retired members to accomplish this important goal.

In Solidarity,

Chuck McDonald
