October Retiree Meeting Planned

Retiree Meeting
Monday, October 9
11:00 am
American Legion Post 15
Decatur, AL
Happy October boy has this year gone fast, I guess at most of our ages they all seem to go by faster and faster. Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to the meeting.
As you know the strike against the Big Three looms on. The strategy that our Union is using is different than anything that we have seen in the past. Let us continue in Solidarity with our striking Brothers and Sisters and pray for the best possible outcome. We know there is a lot at stake and the demands are high but the past losses have been many. We all know that when the UAW negotiates it is doing so for a much larger group than just our members. Our negotiations have historically helped to establish and protect the middle and working class in America. This has proven true for those who are Union as well as the many who are not.
Our healthcare providers are not scheduled to be at the Oct. meeting. All of them are scheduled to be at our November Meeting. They will be rolling out any of the changes in our healthcare program for the calendar year 2024.
We understand there are several positive changes in the 2024 benefit package. Hope we will have a great turnout for the meeting.
Our November meeting has been approved for our next luncheon which we do in lieu of the Thanksgiving and Christmas luncheon.
We have been receiving a lot of compliments regarding the meals. If you plan on coming bring a covered dish or dessert. (They are not required for you to attend). The Retiree Chapter furnishes the Meat, Bread, Tea, Coffee, and Water.
We had our nomination procedure at the September meeting: Our new Executive Board was elected by acclimation. They will take over at the November Meeting.
In solidarity,
Chuck McDonald, Chairman
Hope to see you at the meeting. We will discuss the letter some received regarding the breach of personal records.