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November Retiree Meeting

Charles McDonald
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Monday 11:00 am
American Legion Post 15
Decatur, AL Hwy 31

Hope this notice fines everyone doing well, reports of a lot of sickness going around especially the flu bug.  We have firsthand knowledge of the flu bug at the McDonald house.

Hopefully the brighter days are still ahead of us. I have received a number of calls regarding the election of our International Executive Board Members. I am glad to talk with you if you might be confused about the election or those running for office.  There are some outstanding candidates and there are some that have their names on the ballot just because they could get nominated.  Please take this election serious these position are extremely important to the future and wellbeing of our Union that includes active and retired members.

November 8, Tuesday is election day in AL and across the Nation.   It still amazes me how people thank the way they vote is going to send them to heavy or hell.  Those in the top 5% income vote in extremely large number on one issue, that is how and when they can elect those that will get the largest tax break for themselves.  Too often working people vote against their own self-interest and protect those that already have more than they will ever need. 

Look at (R) Gov. Ivey commercials she talks about how well things are going in AL and all the jobs created and we're on the right track.  Take a look at the (R's) running for Congress everything is going to hell in a hand-basket. Really and truly what's on the ballot is where our democracy lives or dies from abuse and lies. 

The Federal Reserve has more to do with controlling inflation that any part of the government and they continue to raise interest rates we all know it takes a while and hopefully we can stay out of a recession. 

The President doesn't control Gas prices any more than you and I do>>> The President has opened up the federal petroleum reserves and released millions of gallons of petroleum in an effort to minimize cost at the pump.  The greed of the Corporations that garner historical Profits is not helping the fight against inflation.  The inflation is not only an American problem it is a Worldwide problem. It is stimulated by the continued fight against the pandemic Worldwide.  Fortunately, COVID seems to be more under control in the United States, (we hope and pray) no more out-breaks.

At the meeting we will be discussing plans to have a Christmas luncheon at the December 12 meeting. We haven't served food at our meetings because of the COVID out-break.  We can give it a try if everyone is will.  We will take care the turkey/hams, dressing, breads, drinks and all utensils.  We need volunteers to bring covered dish and/or desserts.  I know we have some great cooks out there so share your food with those that would really enjoy your talents.

Our B.C.B.S representative is schedule to be at the meeting.  We will attempt to update you on the changes coming in Jan.1, 2023.

Don't forget your Over-the-Counter orders for 2022 they have to be end before the end of the year or you will lose out on this nice benefit.  You can place (2) orders per year not to exceed $150 for you and $150. for your spouse. You cannot go over your allotted amount. ..877-218-9951

I do want to recognize our sponsor Lynn Layton Chevrolet for their continued support and for providing our nice door prizes. Thank you, Lynn and Jeff, for your ever ending sponsorship for our Retirees.

Hope to see you at the meeting, stay health and remember in your prayers our deceased members and their families as well as those and sick and shut-in. 

Yours in Solidarity 

Chuck McDonald Chairman 

259-874-0850 my mobile best number to reach me.