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March Retiree Meeting

Charles McDonald
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Monday March 13 11:00 am

American Legion Post 15

Decatur,  AL


This will be our regular scheduled meeting the first since the conclusion of the International Executive Board Election.   At this point, President Ray Curry is trailing his opponent by 638 votes.  The only remaining votes left to be determined are the challenged ballots.  It is my understanding there are approximately 1100 hundred that will be reviewed this coming Thursday.  We should know the official outcome by the time we have our meeting.

There is a lot of things that I could say and I have some deep personal feeling about this election however I will reserve my opinion for a later time and attempt to keep myself on a much higher ground than some of those that have injected some of the ugliness and non-union comments.

We will not have any of our providers for our health care at this meeting we will attempt to have the schedule at our April meeting.

In Solidarity hope to see you at the meeting.
