January Local 2195 Meeting

Monday, January 13, 11:00 am
American Legion Post 15, Decatur, AL
Well, here we are at the end of another year, 2024 is almost in the books and we are looking forward to the New Year 2025. I'm always optimistic about the future; My faith in our Country and our people sometimes gets shaken, however I continue to believe we will come together and make the future a better place for us all.
My experience in life has taught me working and middle-class Americans can always help our situation and overcome adversity if we keep a few basic principles. 1) Our faith, 2) Our family 3) The realization that we only have one true commodity which is our labor, and the other (that should never be for sale) is our right to vote. Too often we take both of these for granted and don't realize how important they are to sustain the life we want to have. A man once told me the only thing you have is your labor and you normally have to sell it much too cheap.
Hopefully this coming year we can come closer together and realize the only thing we have as a Union is our united. Our effort to understand why we as the working class, who made the middle class in our Country, have drifted so far apart in the way we vote.
We lost a great man this week, former President Jimmy Carter who's entire life has been devoted to honesty, decency, integrity, faith, with a commitment to making the World a better place for all of God's children. This will be his legacy and it is well earned and deserved.
January 1st is the beginning of all our new benefit changes. I am pleased to say that once again our benefits for 2025 are proving to be very positive. The OTC benefit card is scheduled to be reloaded for the year 2025. The new amount will be $350. per member with the same for our spouses including our deceased members widows and widowers.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and we now look forward to a fantastic New Year.
In Solidarity, I hope to see you at the meeting. Stay safe.
Chuck McDonald 256-874-0850