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February Retiree Meeting

Charles McDonald
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February Retiree Meeting

Monday 13, 11;00 am

American Legion Post 15

Hwy 31, Decatur, AL

Hope everyone is doing well and staying warm, hopefully, Spring is just around the corner. We have confirmation three of our providers will be at our meeting. Blue Cross, Optum RX, and United Health Care.

The Election Run-0ff for President and Vice-President of the International Union is still ongoing.

As most of you may know our former Regional Director Ray Curry who now holds the position of President is being challenged by Shawn Fain who is working as a Rep. out of the Chrysler Training Center.  The two candidates for Vice-President are Chuck Browning is out of Ford and Tim Bressler who I believe is also from Chrysler.  As most of you may have heard the three candidates that were elected in the first round were all three out of the same Local Union in Michigan, which is also a Chrysler Plant.

There are a lot of members that have not voted and this may be the most important election in the history of our Union so if you haven't voted please do. If you know someone that hasn't voted please encourage them to do so A.S.A.P.

There is a couple of important issues that I would encourage you to take care of if you haven't already.  Our legal service covers doing the work for you.

*Get your will made or updated. 

*Make sure your beneficiary is correct on all your insurance policies, especially with your GM Life Insurance Policy.

 *Third and maybe most important have a person in your family or one you know and trust to be your power of attorney in case you should become unable to make decisions regarding your personal affairs or your health care. 

As always, we look forward to seeing you at the meeting.  We have been having very good turnouts with good fellowship, as well as everyone receiving important information regarding our benefits.

I would like to thank three individuals for doing a great job in keeping our members and myself informed of our co-worker and their family members who pass away. Amy Terry Seymore, John Davis, and Harry Fuller.

In Solidarity, Chuck McDonald, 256-874-0850