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December Retiree Meeting and Meal

Charles McDonald
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American Legion Post 15, Decatur. AL

As we pointed out we are serving a meal at the meeting, Christmas luncheon: Ham, Turkey, and Rolls are provided by the Local.  Several volunteers are providing covered dishes or desserts.  You are welcome to bring a cover dish.

We are also having a food drive for the needy, can food or dried food in boxes are the preferred choice.  I'm sure whatever you bring will be appreciated.

I have this week received my notice from Express Script notifying me they would discontinue my prescription service on 12/31/2020.

I also receive another letter informing me that Optum would be providing my prescription service commencing on 1/01/2023. This is supposed to be a smooth transition hopefully it will work out to everyone's satisfaction.

Some of our healthcare providers are scheduled to be at our meeting. B.C.B.S., Davis Vision, and possibly United Health Care.

You may have heard that the election for the International Executive Board has ended up in a run-off for the position of President and one Vice-President.  We will have to vote on those positions in the coming months, we will update you at the meeting on all aspects of the voting process.

On a personal note, I'm so disappointed in the lack of participation of many of our Retirees that apparently chose not to vote.  It seems that our Health Care means little to them or they just take it for granted.  Remember we come very close to totally losing our Health Care during the GM/Delphi Bankruptcy. Only through the proper guidance and Stewardship of our International Executive Board were they able to come up with the V.E.B.A. that saved Retiree Health care and every year they have overseen improvements.

We have to get off our laurels and get our retirees to vote.  Vote for the I.E.B. that will best protect and serve our Retirees and their most important Health Care needs.    

Remember your over-the-counter purchase program will end this year on December 31.  You had the option of two orders to claim your $150.00 dollars this calendar year.  That is $150. for you and $150. for your spouse.

This program will be renewed next year, what a great program to save our retiree's monies on over-the-counter purchases you would normally make at the drug store.

Hope to see you at the meeting, please pass this info on regarding the meeting to other members you may know or be in contact with.


In Solidarity

Chuck McDonald
