December Retiree Meeting

Retiree Meeting
11:00 am, Monday, December 9, 2024
American Legion Post 15
Decatur, AL
I trust everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and was presented with the opportunity to share the day with family and friends. I know we hear about a lot of problems in the World and we face many challenges of our own however, we do have much to be thankful for. Living in the greatest Country in the World would be No. 1 in my book.
The issue of the annual Christmas Bonus for our GM/Delphi Retirees has been in part, resolved. Many of our members have received their bonuses as of December 1. They have also received payment for last year. Yes of course they do cut taxes out of these bonus payments.
I know there will still be many outstanding questions regarding those who haven't received the bonus. As always, we will try to address any of your issues as best we can.
We are scheduled to have our, United Health Care and Blue Cross Reps. at the meeting. We covered a lot of territory at the last meeting and there are most likely still unanswered questions you may have.
In case of severe weather, any cancellation of our meeting is determined, if the schools are closed due to road conditions, then our meeting will also be canceled.
Christmas is just around the corner, and a new year is approaching quickly, let us hope everyone remains safe and secure and we all have an opportunity to enjoy our many blessings.
In Solidarity,
Chuck McDonald, Chairman