April Retiree Meeting
April 8th, Monday 11:00 a.m.
Post 15 American Legion 6th Ave.
Decatur, AL
We hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to the upcoming Spring and hopefully nice warm weather.
Remembering Easter weekend our eternal existence made possible due to the sacrifice and death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We will not be having any food at this meeting, we would like to have a very good luncheon at our May meeting. We will do as in the past the Retiree Chapter will provide the meats, breads, and drinks. This would require the members to bring a cover dish to share and or a dessert. We will be discussing this at the meeting.
We have not requested any of our vendors to be at this meeting. We will attempt to have them at our May meeting. If you have a special request let me know and we will attempt to accommodate any reasonable request.
The outstanding issue with a lot of our members is the $500. annual bonus that GM has excluded so many of our members from. Please bring any documents you may have based on your checking the box to remain a GM Retiree initial offer after the Delphi bankruptcy.
I hope we have a positive answer regarding this issue by the meeting; if not we will discuss what our next action should be in an attempt to correct this wrong.
Hope to see you at the meeting.
Chuck McDonald