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April Retiree Meeting

Charles McDonald
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Retiree Meeting

Monday, April 10, 11:00 am
American Legion Post 15
Decatur, AL

Hope this finds everyone doing okay.  At our meeting Monday we will have two of our providers there.  Blue Cross and United Health Care.

If you have a problem with either of these or just need info they will be available to assist you.

Our retiree meetings have been well-attended since the threat of COVID has lessened.  We are thankful for that.

We also are thankful to Lynn Layton Chevrolet for the sponsorship that Lynn and Jeff provide. It makes our meeting a little more fun with the door prizes they provide.  As always, the Laytons want to assist you with any of your new or used car needs.

John Davis had the opportunity to attend the Bargaining Convention in Detroit this past week and hopefully, John will be at our meeting and provide us with an update on what took place.

We will also be providing an update on the run-off election for our International President and Vice President

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Board Members and volunteers that help with our retiree functions. We couldn't have the smooth and informative meetings without their assistance.  So thank you very much your assistance is much appreciated.

In solidarity hope to see you at the meeting:

Chuck McDonald
